Thursday 18 November 2010

Artist Analysis: Mario Torres

This is one of Mario Torres' photos from his website. It shows a female model embodying the attitude of a boy/ man. This style of photography is becoming more and more popular. The androgynous looks is very interesting and you can always do something daring, something different with it.

Read more after the jump.

As I browsed through the online photo gallery of his work, this picture stood out to me. It is not like his other work and is very editorial. There is a few things I like about this photo in particular.

I like that the model is doing almost nothing. I have realised that in most male model photography, they do not have to do much to look a certain way. So as this model is embodying an androgynous look, she too does near to nothing.

I like the costume and hair. The way that the clothing  hangs off of her body is interesting. Women's clothing, as a whole, sits comfortably on their body frame. Whilst mens' clothes is slightly larger than our body frame; with the opposite , with some exceptions. So to see the clothes hang off the model rather than hug her body shape is interesting.

Mario Torres was successful at thinking outside the box. Most androgynous photo shoots nowadays show the model dressed as the opposite sex but they are still posing very gender biased to show off the garment. Torres has done the opposite. His model is doing nothing. And it is clear that his photography is never about the garments themselves.

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