Tuesday 2 November 2010

Conveying Messages through Photography II

 - My Photography

This photo shows me the 'idea' idea of a woman's image. The whole 'picture perfect' concept in the magazines is highlighted in this photo. It connects with a lot of what we see and hear in today's media. What is beauty? What is it to be a lady? Is it what we see on the billboards and in the magazines or is it something more sensual?
The photo is in black and white but still shows natural lighting; this is apparent through the different tones of lighting in the photo. No artificial light source (lamp, flashlight etc.) was used because I wanted to create a raw effect.
There is a framing created over the image by the window frame shadowed onto the model and the magazine. The window frame could depict the barriers between true beauty and man-made beauty.

When I look at this photo, it makes me think about what she could be thinking about. She is still in the process of applying her make-up so she could be thinking about how bare she looks. It reminds me of an old saying "I haven't put my face on yet".
This photo was shot out of focus. On my camera, I experimented with the focus settings to try and create a different feel to the final image. I wanted to see if it changed how it would be viewed and analysed. I also done it to age the photo to get a 1980's photography feel so I reduced the contrast and changed the colour balance to be more green-biased.

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