Tuesday 26 October 2010

Artist Study: Eduard 'Edu' Grau.

Does the name Eduard Grau sound familiar? Think French Connection's The Man/ The Woman campaign. Think of the blockbuster A Single Man. Think The Lazarus Effect's '40c a day' campaign. Eduard Grau directed all of these famous film pieces.

Spanish cinematographer Eduard 'Edu'  Grau
Pictures and more after the jump.

Eduard Grau is a Spanish cinematographer born in Barcelona. He worked alongside World famous British suit designer, Tom Ford, for his film debut ‘A Single Man’. Other than his film work experience, Edward also worked alongside the Blink Directors to create the infamous French Connection ‘The Man/ The Woman’ campaign for their 2010 collections.

French Connection 2010 campaign

I like his Campaign because of its simplicity. The artistic direction of the cinematography is sophisticated and can easily be mistaken for being pompous. This is because of the witty French humour the voice over that accompanies the adverts.

I find that the sophisticated element to Eduard's work is influential to my project. I like Grau’s use of French suave and that ‘I don’t care about anything’ attitude and effortless classy images. From this, I would like to use Grau’s style of photography; the idea that less is more.


  1. i didn't direct A single man... please correct.

    thanks so much

  2. but thanks for the great comments!
