Tuesday 26 October 2010

Conveying Messages through Photography - My Photography

Sometimes, a photographer will take a photo of something and not have no reason in mind for doing it. The photographer may just be looking for inspiration. But whether the photo is of beautiful scenery or a hobo begging for money outside a train station, every photo has a meaning.

Pictures and more after the jump.

I got together with one of my friends for a spontaneous day and I had an idea for something interesting to do. I asked my friend to apply make-up and do her hair whilst I take photos of the process. Although she thought I must have been at the the beginning stages of losing my mind, she willingly agreed. These photos had no meaning and no structure when I took them, but what I got in the end was a set of photos that conveyed different messages and ideas unintentionally.
(click to enlarge pictures)

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