Thursday 6 January 2011

Why Have I Chosen To Work On The 80's?

The 1980's was a decade of relaxed formal style for men and liberation for women. Compared to the 1970's, there was a significant and more-or-less drastic change in style. Everything from the hair, to the clothes, to the shoes were big, bold and colourful.

Read more after the jump.

I have always been interested in the style, music and film of the 1980's and have always wanted to do a project that is stuck in a zeitgeist of the decade. So when I was choosing out of the three different projects for my coursework (paper, 60's or 80's) the 1980's project stood out the most to me. It also seemed the hardest to do for me.

I took on the challenge of doing this project and started brainstorming right from the beginning. But I done so, but without planning my final piece. I tend to jump straight to the finish line but this year I made sure I let my work develop over time. And by doing so, it is always evolving.

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